On the third episode of Ultra Qties, we go back in time to episodes 3 and 4! Thanks for bearing with us.
First, ‘The Gift From Space’ delivers a cosmic parable that’s one part ‘To Serve Man’, one part ‘Astro-Monster’. Next, ‘Mammoth Flower’ is a haunting analog for… fascism?! It’s more likely than you think.
Discussions on both episodes, the writer and director of both, plus: thoughts on Hollywood Theater’s Godzilla-Thon!
Ultra Qties is a discussion podcast that examines the cultural impact of Tsuburaya’s Ultra Q, hosted by Madeline Blondeau and Preston McFarlin — former co-hosts of Rocketto Punchi. Ultra Q is a copyrighted trademark of Tsuburaya and available legally in North America from Mill Creek Entertainment. This podcast is made for educational and research purposes.

Rocketto Roundhouse
Bi-weekly podcasts about pop culture and why it matters - hosted by Madeline Blondeau and Preston McFarlin.
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